For those seeking new employment, December can be a very challenging month. Last month I wrote about different job searching strategies for the holidays that work best this time of year. But the holidays can bring up a lot of emotions, both positive and negative, for so many people. An employment crisis can further complicate this unless you have a proper perspective.
It is common to mistakenly associate our identities with our work. Asking someone what they do for a living is often a primary question when meeting someone new. But who you are is not the same as what you do.
First and foremost, I seek my identity in God and believe that He made me for a purpose. I am also a husband to my wife and a father to my three sons. I am a friend, a neighbor, and a member of my community. As for work, I am a business partner and employer. While I find great joy and satisfaction in my business, I need to always remember that it doesn’t define me, nor does it supersede the other relationships I mentioned above. Work is important, but it should never be the most important thing in our life.
As many of us know, employment can be fleeting, and it never lasts forever. Changing jobs or even careers throughout one’s life can be a healthy and necessary activity. But creating and maintaining strong and long lasting relationships should always be a priority.
Merry Christmas to you and your families, and I wish each of you a prosperous New Year!